The Girls Have Arrived.
Well despite my best efforts, the girls have arrived early.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Today has been pretty uneventful. I am completely off the Magnesium drip, so basically I am human again. We sent Mom home today so she could relax a little and help with Chunky Monkey (my nephew Jaxon). Belle went home on Saturday night. So it is just Adam and I and we are trying to relax and breathe. We were told that tomorrow there was a strong possibility I would be moved back to Anti-Partum.
Monday, July 1, 2013
Since the nurses are required to assist me back into bed (I have these leg stockings to prevent a blood clot), I told the nurse I was feeling funny. I told her everything and she called the doctors right away.
Needless to say this was the end of sleeping for Adam. Dr. Erik arrived and stated he needed to do an exam, which really did not go well. After his second attempt he stated that I was now dilated to 3 cm and the babies needed monitored right away.
At 6 a.m. the anesthesiologists were called in to discuss an epidural. I told the doctors before that if at all possible I wanted to be awake for delivery. As the doctors could not state how quickly things might progress they wanted to discuss placement of the epidural well before hand. I would not be getting any medicine but the line would be there in case they needed it in an emergency. This would allow me to stay awake during delivery if the girls decided to come quickly.
I was still under the naive impression that I could fend off delivery at this point.
All morning I was monitored and having contractions. The funny thing is my contractions were not horrible. More annoying than anything. I did not request medicine and I was able to breathe through them all, with Adam by my side.
At about 1:30 p.m. I was having a hard time staying on my back. I would get more contractions on my back then on my side. Unfortunately, the nurse was having a hard time locating Runt's heart beat so before I could stay on my side we needed to talk to the doctors.
Next there was a flurry of activity as I was rushed into an emergency c-section because unbeknownst to me I had dilated to 10 cm and Runt was sliding down getting ready to make her appearance. I was upset as we were still way to early but there was nothing more than could be done...the girls were coming.
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